What is VLOG?

What is VLOG?

What is VLOG? 

Especially with the widespread use of YouTube, Instagram, and other kinds of video-sharing platforms, VLOG’s have begun to reach us more often. But, what is a VLOG exactly? Who shares them, what is the subject on it? In this article, we will try to answer all these questions and more one by one.

VLOG is an abbreviation for the term “Video Blog”.  Now, think about you are writing a blog, just like we do right now. You can write it on whatever subject you want to, right? You can share your life, experiences, or make a movie review. All of them are possible. To shoot a VLOG, the only thing you have to do is record yourself in a particular context. 

There is no restriction for being a vlogger. If you feel like one, you can record, share it and become one! When it comes to the number of people watching it, if you want to reach huge numbers, maybe it might be better to record your video according to the interest areas of the people. 

Long story short, being a Vlogger is simply about being creative. If you trust yourself, with the help of your video camera, you should start right now!