Telegram Review

Telegram Review

Telegram Review

If you are using applications that provide you to chat with your friends, you probably heard Telegram. It is a very popular application that has many qualities. Of course, like every application, it might have some negative ways. In this article, we will briefly talk about Telegram, its pros, and the cons of using Telegram.

Positive Ways of Using Telegram

Telegram is a very good platform that provides its users a quality platform that they can chat with each other. You can use messages that disappear after you finish your chatting process. This option ensures great safety if you are fond of your privacy. Also, you can see the activeness time of your friends.

Negative Ways of Using Telegram

Telegram is a cool platform but it also has negative ways such as privacy issues. It does not ensure you a great barrier for hackers but so is WhatsApp. If you are also a WhatsApp user, you do not have to worry about it.

The interface of Telegram is not easy and colored as WhatsApp and other apps. So, using Telegram might not be attractive as other applications.

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