What is Reddit?

What is Reddit?

What is Reddit?

Have you ever heard of Reddit? It is a great platform that has many features. If you are not familiar with Reddit, do not worry! In this article, we will talk about Reddit briefly.


Reddit launched in 2005. It reached many people in a short period. People who are willing to communicate with other people loved this platform and this caused this platform to getting bigger.

Reddit is a news site but offers its users a discussion area. There is not a certain subject, it might be about politics, cooking, art or so on. People can vote on posts, which causes that post to get more visibility by Reddit users. Groups that build up by users are shared on the platform named “Subreddit” Every user can create a subreddit by itself.

Every user name starts with “u/” no matter what your username is it al2ways starts with this term. There are moderators on subreddits, who are responsible to keep the subject in order. The owner of the subreddit can make whoever he/she want a moderator.

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